The Committed & Knowledgeable
Advocacy You Need
As your defense attorney, I will work diligently toward the outcome you deserve. You can count on me for the skills required of an intelligent and skilled legal partner.
Criminal Defense & Probate Attorney
in Comanche, Texas

Christopher S. Till
Attorney at Law
Criminal Defense
To Protect Your Rights
Whether you're facing charges for assault, drugs, or a DWI, I have the knowledge and resources to help you seek a solution.
Over 40 Years of Dedicated Legal Counsel
In Central Texas
No matter what case you bring into my office, I will do everything possible to help you reach a favorable result.
Probate Services
That Honor Your Loved One
You shouldn't have to grieve more than you already have; turn to a professional for probate assistance. I'm ready to guide you through the ins and outs of this complex process.
Probate—the process through which estate assets are transferred after death—can be a source of serious tension among families. Luckily, you don't have to handle it alone. A probate attorney can help you navigate probate laws and make sure your loved one's wishes are fulfilled as they would have wanted.
For over 40 years, I have helped countless clients administer the estates of their family members. If you need a compassionate probate attorney in Comanche, Texas, or in the nearby areas of Hamilton, Brownwood, and Stephenville, contact me, Christopher S. Till, today to request a consultation of your case.